Thursday, January 29, 2015


WOW!  She got called the Scotland/Ireland mission! She leaves Dec. 3rd to the Preston, England MTC. We are so excited! The mission home is in Edinburgh, Scotland. This is the map of her mission. Sorry it's a bit small but I can't put a link to it because you have to have an LDS account to access it so all I could do is make it an image. But the RED dot you see is Edinburgh. The highlighted parts are her mission with all the cities/stakes/wards the mission is over.


We have loads of things to do. Get her pass port, and visa. Buy her some good luggage, and winter clothes, scarves, shoes, boots, shoulder bag, international converter, medicines, wool socks, sweaters, leggings, AH! my brain is going crazy so many things to do and to get done! It's going to be a fun ride. I can't believe it! it'll be here so soon. She is leaving this country for 18 months. She can't even leave home for a week without getting homesick. This is going to be hard but worth it.

This map is a little less detailed but you can see the highlighted parts are her mission. With Edinburgh as the red dot. I wonder where her first area will be?

Ready or not Scotland/Ireland here she comes!

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