Monday, March 23, 2015

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sneakie peek, Blue Berry cookies


 Here is a sneakie peek at these delightful Blue Berry cookies.

They are the yummiest! It's like a small little pie but flat like a cookie and so yummy! it's easy peasy. You'll have friends and family impressed. Posting the recipe soon! In the mean time let your mouth water and droll... those cookies... Heavens... I need these soon! Very soon!


HAPPY 2015!! everyone! I hope it ends up being your year!

this post is going to tell you what I do every year in setting goals and my one word goal.


So, my friends, can I call you that? friends? we haven't officially meet yet and I'm just getting to know you out there but I think we can call each other friends... friends, don't be afraid to set goals and go after what you want, and becoming a better you while you do it. It's a new year! A time for new goals to be set, and resolutions to be made. I'm glad we have a new year. Have you ever wondered how the tradition of setting goals for the new year came about?  Me too! Maybe I'll look that up... or not...haha...

I like this quote above. it's simple. It's true.

What are your changes for this year? it's good to take time to self reflect and evaluate ones self. In the right way of course and kindly. Not to harsh. Some times we can be to hard on ourselves. Self reflection  makes us better people. It helps us remember who we want to be and to be closer to who God intended us to be, at least I think. Setting new goals or desires that we want to achieve is good thing.

So, How do YOU set goals for the new year?


For me, I like to pick one word that I can focus on through out the year. It can be anything. Anything  I want to change, or do, or be more of. For example picking words like: faith, courage, health, fitness, focus, organized, listener, talents, dependability or gratitude.

Here let me 'esplain what I mean.... no, to much let me a sum up...( I love that movie) so let me explain what I mean. For instance if I feel I want to become a more gracious and thankful person. I'll pick the word gratitude for that year and spend my energies, as much as a mom can, you know we can get pretty busy and wrapped up in the mommy world, and I try to focus more on becoming a more gracious and grateful person. I will pick something that I can do, for instance, keeping a gratitude journal and writing in it everyday. Just one thing. once a day. Or, I'll read a book about gratitude, find quotes and post them around. I'll read talks, thoughts, other people's insights on gratitude. I'll talk to someone I admire who I feel exhibits graciousness and gratitude and I will try to emulate that, or talk to  them and get to know them and ask them questions about gratitude and get to know who they are and see how they have become a more gracious and grateful person.

For me the one memorable lesson I learned when I picked gratitude is that having gratitude makes what I have into enough... A very important lesson I needed to learn for those trying times that came when we felt like we had nothing, a car, a kitchen! that was a hard one.. haha.. but it made me a better person, a grateful person. It also helped me see all the blessings I was recieving because I was being grateful and grumpy and feeling sorry for myself and complaining. I noticed I didn't complain nearly as much and I started to become more positive and a happier person.

For me the new year means adding to me. Not that I don't like me. I like to look at it as adding to becoming a better me. I'm sure I wasn't an ungrateful little snot who was honery and expected all sorts of things when I chose gratitude for my word that year, but, I knew I needed to become a more gracious and grateful person because I had hard time focusing on my blessings and I didn't want to be a person like that. I know if you make it a matter of prayer between you and the Lord he knows whats best. And I KNOW he is in the little details in our lives and that He knows what is in-store for you and me in the coming year.  He would best know what I need to focus on so I try to include him in my goal deciding. He is going to be with me through out the year we might as well do it together right? :)

I'm excited for the new year. It always brings in new hope.

So, my friends, if your still reading this I can definitely say we are friends! Remember, don't be afraid to set those goals and go after what you want, and become a better you while you do it.  Whether it's being a more gracious person, more organized, increasing your faith, opening that new store, starting a blog or getting more fit. Everyone needs to change something in their life not that you are not a great person already! you are! YOU ARE AWESOME! always! but working toward being something more just adds to the wonderful you and the gifts and talents you already have so....go....go away... go reed some books! (love that movie too!) So..  go! conquer! and become a better you! Happy New Year! I hope it's your year!

It isn't easy being green.. Missionary greenie package

Made a greenie package for sister Mcbride!

Isn't it cute! It was fun to put together. I used some old scrapbook paper and lettering then I found a free owl picture and printed it out and added the words around the box. "Hoot" is the best greenie ever!

I bought all of the items at the dollar store. Green if course. I bought, Tic Tacs, bath sponge, small green hand towel, little plush frog with a message around his neck that says 'it's not easy being green'! A small green brush, Debbie's apple pie snack, a box of junior mints, green jello, small Kleenex, and her favorite sour patches. I chose to picked some fun and useful things and of course some of her favorites things too. I think she will get a kick out of it. I think the homesickness has started to sink in. The Christmas holiday was crazy and so busy, that I don't think she had time to really think about home but now that things have started to get into a schedule and routine I think she has started to feel a bit homesick.. Hopefully this might cheer her up. I'm starting to get my valentines package ready too. I'll post it soon. If you see a missionary today say HELLO! it'll brighten their day. Chances are the miss home and need a friendly wave!


WOW!  She got called the Scotland/Ireland mission! She leaves Dec. 3rd to the Preston, England MTC. We are so excited! The mission home is in Edinburgh, Scotland. This is the map of her mission. Sorry it's a bit small but I can't put a link to it because you have to have an LDS account to access it so all I could do is make it an image. But the RED dot you see is Edinburgh. The highlighted parts are her mission with all the cities/stakes/wards the mission is over.


We have loads of things to do. Get her pass port, and visa. Buy her some good luggage, and winter clothes, scarves, shoes, boots, shoulder bag, international converter, medicines, wool socks, sweaters, leggings, AH! my brain is going crazy so many things to do and to get done! It's going to be a fun ride. I can't believe it! it'll be here so soon. She is leaving this country for 18 months. She can't even leave home for a week without getting homesick. This is going to be hard but worth it.

This map is a little less detailed but you can see the highlighted parts are her mission. With Edinburgh as the red dot. I wonder where her first area will be?

Ready or not Scotland/Ireland here she comes!

Scotland/Ireland here she comes!

We got word a week before she left that they were redirecting her to the Provo MTC  instead of the England one. She was really sad about it. Even though the visa made it to SaltLake before she was to leave they still wanted her to go to Provo. But we are just over the moon excited she is headed on her way.  She left for the Provo MTC Dec. 3rd. Our eyes were a little teary but our hearts happy and excited.


 We will surely miss our girl and sister dearly but we know she will be in good hands of course the SIM (Scotland/Ireland Mission) is one of the best missions I hear!

 AND... she's off!! see you in 548 days! Take good care of her Scotland.

See you in 18 months! She looks so brave!

She will be serving in the ..?

It's HERE! her mission call arrived and now we are having the grand opening of the white envelope to see where she will be serving for 18 months. We had our said partaaay-- so fun! (not to be confused with a simple party) with so many family and friends there to support her, it was great.

Here she is getting ready. It's so suspenseful!! Do you see the map. When people came in we gave them a dot to put  on the map to guess where they thought she was going to serve. It was loads of fun and we had lots of dots in the US and Europe. Two people actually guessed the area where she will serve.


Here she is trying to read and stay calm. She had her hand over the words so she wouldn't skip and skim read to the important part where it said where she was going.


The look on her face tells you she got to "the part" ... "you will here by serve in the SCOTLAND/IRELAND mission!!"
Her mission will be in Scotland/Ireland and she leaves Dec. 4th I can't believe she is leaving and leaving the country no less... I'm excited for her and she is beyond the moon about it.


There were lots of hugs and talking on the phone to others that couldn't be there like aunts and uncles and cousins.


She has a great amazing group of friends. Lots of them had just left for school or were out of town so about 8 of them are missing in this picture. But they all are so excited for her and one of her friends is already married and ready to have a baby soon and Alyssa will miss it. She is kinda sad about that. So there it is. Man we have a lot to get done in a few months. Wish us luck!

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